ORSY®mat HX — the helix-based vending machine
This helix-based vending machine should not be missing from your dispensing system!
Helix-based vending machines are the ideal solution for dispensing single units of operating supplies and protective equipment.
Our helix-based vending machine system is designed to be custom-built around your needs with regard to product range variety, item size and quantity requirements. Helix-based vending machines integrate seamlessly into your material supply with no need to restructure internal operating processes. Different helix designs in the vending machines give you maximum flexibility as regards quantitative capacity and choice.

Your advantages at a glance
- Modular extension to ORSY®mat FP and ORSY®mat DR systems
- Dispensing of single items by splitting packaging units
- Flexible spiral quantities and sizes enable integration of a wide variety of items
- Light sensor controls the actual output of an item
- Up to 40 products in a cabinet
- Up to 1000 units
This machine is particularly suitable for
- Protective equipment such as gloves and safety goggles
- Tools and screwdrivers
- Spare parts and batteries
- Material processing and cutting discs
- Building materials and paintbrushes
- And much more